Textures are 2D images applied to 3D modeling, which define the surface features, colors, and other details of the 3D model. Textures are used to make the model appear realistic and detailed.
If only the main image, or the albedo map, is used in a texture without other maps, the surface’s main color is determined. The albedo map shows how much light the surface reflects and determines the main color tone of the surface. Therefore, the surface’s appearance is determined only by the color in the albedo map.
For example, if a surface has a red tone in its albedo map, the surface’s appearance will be in red. However, without other maps that determine the surface’s glossiness, roughness, shadows, or bumps, the surface can appear very plain and flat. Therefore, it is recommended to use at least other maps in addition to the albedo map in a 3D model.
Albedo Map
Defines the surface’s main color. This texture shows how much light the surface reflects and determines the main color tone of the surface.

Normal Map
Defines the surface details and bumps. This texture shows details like the surface’s protrusions and depressions. Normal maps help the surface appear more detailed and realistic.

Height Map
Defines the surface’s height details. This texture has a gray tonality that defines the surface’s bumps and holes. This map is used to add more texture details to the surface.

Metallic Map
Defines the surface’s metallic appearance. This texture determines how metallic or matte the surface is. Metallic maps are used to make the surface appear more realistic.

Roughness Map
Defines the surface’s roughness. This texture determines how rough or smooth the surface is. Roughness maps are used to make the surface appear more realistic.

Ambient Occlusion Map
Defines the surface’s shadows and interaction with the surrounding environment. This texture shows which areas of the surface have more intense shadows and interaction with the environment. Ambient occlusion maps help the surface appear more realistically shadowed and with more detailed shadow details.